Rochelle Dhingra's Portfolio: Honors




Web Design

Technical Documents


Visual Documents
Rochelle R. Stuve: Portfolio


Certificate in English

Memo from Supervisor

Memo from Branch Manager

Employee of the Month


Of value is an employee who works toward high standards and for the company's advantage.

This section demonstrates my high academic standards and my ability to contribute to a company's goals and best interests.

After viewing these documents, I think you will agree that I have a great deal to offer your company on top of my knowledge and skills.

Peruvian Paso horse photo
To get a clear shot, I had the sun positioned behind my back to avoid shadows and moved in close to get a good side profile of this stallion's head and neck. In addition, I cropped the photo after development to minimize background distractions.

E-mail: Rochelle.Dhingra (at) gmail (dot) com

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