Rochelle Dhingra's Portfolio: Home




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Rochelle R. Stuve: Portfolio


You have arrived to my online portfolio web site. This portfolio contains my resume and a variety of my best work in the Technical Communication field.

In each section above, links to individual project pages are provided on the side bar at the left.

Also within each main section, and on this home page, is a close-up photo of an animal to mark the section. The photo above each button on the top of the page is the corresponding photo that will appear on that section's page. These are all photographs I have taken within the past year. Underneath the photos are explanations of how I chose to photograph the animal. Clicking on each photo opens a new window with a larger version of the photo.

Contact information:

Rochelle Stuve

821 Smetana Rd, Apt. 1
Hopkins, MN 55343
(952) 649-2004
Rochelle.Dhingra (at) gmail (dot) com

Head study of Arabian filly
This photo was taken in a pasture at an Arabian farm. I wished to obtain a "natural" close-up photo of this filly, so I waited until she was near me and stood in a position where I could get a good profile of her head. Because it was overcast, I did not have to be concerned about the sun's position in relation to my subject.

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