Rochelle Dhingra's Portfolio: Visual Documents, Powerpoint Presentation




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Powerpoint presentation


Indian Culture powerpoint presentation

India presentation 1: cover India presentation 2: history
  Having to complete this presentation the afternoon my professor assigned it, I used my knowledge of Indian culture to create a presentation about it and the impact Indian immigrants have on the Twin cities. India presentation 3: religions India presentation 4: Hindu caste system


Good points of the presentation:

  • good use of bullet points and illustrations
India presentation 5: List of Hindu castes India presentation 6: family system
  • general information flows into specific items of interest for Minneapolis and St. Paul

    (the first frame is on the upper left, the second on the upper right, the third in the 2nd row on the left, and so on)

  • Well organized
India presentation 7: immigration to America India presentation 8: influx into the Twin Cities

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