Rochelle Dhingra's Portfolio; Instructions, Revision Project




Web Design

Technical Documents


Visual Documents
Rochelle R. Stuve: Portfolio


Revision Project

Hotmail User Guide

Revision Project

For my document design class, I revised the Tones section of my Nokia mobile phone manual.

On top to the right is a copy of the original Tones section of the Nokia manual. On bottom to the right is one page of my revisions, featuring the sub-sections Ringing Tone and Ringing Volume.


Original Nokia instructions

I revised the instructions so that they would:

  • Be designed in a step-by-step, numbered fashion, as Nokia readers would expect the instructions to be.

  • Used illustrations of the phone buttons so the user would easily understand which button to press. This way the user would easily understand which button to press.
Revised Nokia instructions

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E-mail: Rochelle.Dhingra (at) gmail (dot) com

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